You have so many different types of lights to choose from when you’re working on a lighting project. With so many options available, how could you possibly know which to choose? You might find that LED strip lights are the best choice for your project. 

There are many reasons why people choose strip lights over other lights. LEDs are extremely popular in modern times due to their fantastic energy-efficient properties and easy-to-use qualities. You can go to any popular spot in New Zealand and find an array of LEDs used for both commercial and residential purposes. 

As you smartly know, it’s always best to be fully informed before you settle on the lighting products you’ll use for your important project.

What Are Strip Lights?

Strip lights are quite literally what they sound like – they’re strips with LED lights along them that allow you to light a wide variety of spaces and objects. LED strip lights are perfect for both display and practical purposes. 

These lights are often used to add rim lighting to shelves, cabinets and more. Like any LED product, they can be cleverly used to create gorgeous light displays of all kinds.

Why Should I Choose Strip Lights For My Lighting Project?

What kinds of advantages do strip lights have? You may be surprised at the sheer amount of points on this list!


Strip lights are popular because they’re:

  • Energy Efficient. Did you know that modern LED lights can use up to 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs?Talk about saving energy and money! You can comfortably keep your gorgeous lights on without worrying about obscenely high energy bills.
  • Very Affordable. LED strip lights are wonderfully affordable, especially when you purchase yours from a great NZ seller who offers excellent products at reasonable prices. They’re a fantastic choice for people who want to finish their lighting project successfully but who don’t want to go way over budget. 
  • Long-Lasting. LEDs, in general, can last for a very long time. They’ll stay lit for many, many hours without problems, so you don’t need to replace them often. This will save you money and stress in the long run because you don’t have to buy replacement lights constantly and you don’t need to spend that extra time to replace them.
  • This advantage makes strip lights ideal for home displays and commercial areas. They make a space more unique and appealing, and you can turn them on and go about your day while enjoying the lights.
  • A Safer Choice. LED strip lights generally don’t overheat if they’re installed correctly and have an energy supply that suits their needs. Have you ever accidentally burned yourself on a light bulb that had been left on for too long? That won’t happen with a properly-installed strip light.
  • Easy To Use. Strip lights are pretty simple to handle and install, even for people who don’t have a lot of experience with lights. You shouldn’t have much trouble handling your new lights yourself. Although, if you want the job done impeccably, you can have your lighting installed by professionals.
  • Flexible. As you’ve probably guessed, LED strip lights are flexible. They’re easy to handle and adhere to surfaces without breaking them.
  • Colourful. Don’t worry; you don’t have to settle for the same shade of white light for your display – strip lights have versatile colour options, so you can choose what works best for your space.
  • Bright. Some people might wonder, ‘if it’s just a light strip, can it really be that bright?’ In fact, it can! LEDs are known for packing quite the lighting punch. The right LED products can provide adequate light when placed correctly.
  • Easy To Maintain. You’ll be happy to know that LEDs don’t really require much complicated maintenance. At most, your LED strip lights could get dusty, so you should occasionally clean them to keep them beautiful. Other than that, LEDs are fairly simple to maintain. You should, of course, have damaged or malfunctioning lights removed and replaced.
  • Durable. Many of us think of light bulbs as fragile objects that can break with one wrong move. But, LED strip lights are wonderfully durable. They’re designed with tough materials to allow them to withstand general wear and tear, and they certainly won’t break from a mild accidental bump.

    Where Can I Get Some Of The Best, Most Reliable LED Lights In New Zealand?

    Are you sold on strip lights? You can easily get your own at our online store at Display Lighting. We have quite a few options for you to browse through, so we encourage you to come and see what you can get. 

    If you’re interested in other types of lights, we also have LED sign modules, neon flex lights, rope lights and more! Please don’t hesitate to call us at (09) 427 5310 if you have any questions. 

    Display Lighting can help you light up your world with fantastic LED lights.